Usage guide

This module provides an implementation to build and modify WebID documents.

Parsing an existing document

You can parse any existing Solid compliant WebID to create a new object. Using the static method webid.WebID.parse() for the same.

data = """@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix solid: <>.

    a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument;
    foaf:maker <http://localhost:3000/example/profile/card#me>;
    foaf:primaryTopic <http://localhost:3000/example/profile/card#me>.


    solid:oidcIssuer <http://localhost:3000/>;
    a foaf:Agent.
w = WebID.parse(data, publicid="http://localhost:3000/example/profile/card")

Create new WebID

You will need an URL for the WebID document, you can also pass oidcIssuer if you want.

w = WebID(
res = w.serialize()

You can also add or remove registration token for the oidcIssuer, have a look at the API documentation and test cases.